100wc24 Tree Time!

When Alex was walking in the woods while he was admiring a tree. Nobody could blame him though it was a huge tree. Suddenly the tree captured him, it was horrible, but no one saw so they couldn’t set him free. Alex himself started to bust out he tried and tried for months though he had no concept of time. finally he poked out his arms, although Alex’s arms had been there for so long that they were almost one with the tree. A Bear looking for honey knocked over the tree. It was a gigantic bear. Alex was free.

A Lean Back Chair Story 100wc20


One time I went into a Guitar shop and I said out loud, ” These guitars are horrible.” Then the worker told me, ”these guitars are very extraordinary!” As I was walking out of the store he shoved me so I went outside grabbed mustard and squirted all over the worker. He was leaning back in his chair so when I squirted the mustard he fell off his chair so I had to call there manager. It was a disaster, but luckily he was okay. We actually ended up becoming very great friends. He taught me how to play guitar.